- R I D D L E S -
1. What four-letter word begins with “f” and ends with “k,” and if you can’t get it you can always just use your hands?
Answer : A fork.
2. I go in hard but come out soft, and I never mind if you want to blow me. What am I?
Answer : Bubblegum.
3. When I go in, I can cause some pain. I’ll fill your holes when you ask me to. I also ask that you spit, and not swallow. What am I?
Answer : Your dentist.
4. Name a word that starts with “f” and ends with “u-c-k”?
Answer : Firetruck.
5. I come in a lot of different sizes. Sometimes, I drip a little. If you blow me, it feels really good. What am I?
Answer : Your nose.
6. When you blow me I get bigger, and the tighter you wrap your lips around me the quicker I enlarge. What am I?
Answer: Balloon.
7. My load is sometimes soft, sometimes hard, is usually warm, and I am sometimes long and sometimes short. What am I?
Answer : Poop.
8. What goes in your mouth and its more fun if it vibrates?
Answer : Toothbrush.
9. What starts with "p" and ends with "orn" and is the hottest part of the movie industry?
Answer : Popcorn.
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